2020 Candidate Trainings Support

The National Women’s Political Caucus of Washington (NWPC-WA) holds candidate trainings for women each spring. Last spring we trained over 200 women, with many more on the waitlist.  Those women are still fired up and to meet the demand, we are mobilizing resources to hold four trainings in 2020! 

To keep registration fees low so that cost isn’t a barrier, we must raise $8,000 to cover expenses and scholarship funds. 

Consider becoming an event sponsor with a donation to help offset the costs of the training. For more information on sponsor benefits, contact [email protected].

NWPC-WA has grown and changed a lot over the years. More women are being elected and we continue to move closer to parity in government representation at all levels of our democracy. 2020 saw so many successes for women across our state and all over the country; we want to keep the momentum going! These accomplishments would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication from people like you. 

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