2014 Endorsements



Suzan Delbene

US Congresswoman
Suzan DelBene
1st Congressional District

Congresswoman DelBene was first sworn into Congress on November 13, 2012. As a first term Representative, Suzan is being targeted by the Republican Party and has a male challenger.

An experienced and successful technology entrepreneur and business leader with over 20 years experience in the private sector, Suzan understands the critical role that innovative companies play in creating opportunities for citizens and the foundation for economic growth for communities.

Suzan has a strong record of public service. She served as a volunteer supporting the YWCA’s program to provide transitional housing and job training for struggling women and families and was a senior adviser to Global Partnerships, a non-profit focused on supporting micro-finance programs to serve people living in poverty in Latin America.



WA Supreme Court Justice
Mary Fairhurst

Elected in 2002 and then 2008, Justice Fairhurst started her legal career in the Supreme Court as a law clerk, then spent 16 years as an Assistant Attorney General, specializing in the areas of criminal justice, transportation, revenue, and labor. In 1998, Attorney General Gregoire gave Justice Fairhurst the Steward of Justice award.

She worked on the constitutional amendment to increase the rights of crime victims while still honoring the constitutional rights of the accused. She organized the first statewide conferences on domestic violence.  She planned and facilitated a youth violence summit and organized and moderated conferences dealing with sex offenders in the community.  The WSBA gave her its highest honor, the Award of Merit, in 2011.

Throughout her career, Justice Fairhurst has worked to enhance the opportunities for women and minorities in the profession and to ensure access to justice for low-income individuals and families.



WA Supreme Court Justice
Debra Stephens

Justice Stephens was appointed as a judge for Division Three of the Washington Court of Appeals in April 2007 and later elected unopposed. In 2007, she was appointed to the Washington State Supreme Court.  Justice Stephens is the first judge from Division Three to serve on the Supreme Court, and the first woman from Eastern Washington to do so.

Debra is firmly committed to public service and community involvement. She previously served for over a decade on the Board of Directors of the Orchard Prairie School District No. 123 and was also on the Board of Directors for the Spokane Valley Rotary Club. She has been a strong advocate for pro bono legal services, and was formerly a volunteer supervising attorney at Gonzaga’s University Legal Assistance clinic. She is a trustee of the Washington Judicial College, and served on the appellate court education committee and the court rules committee.



WA Supreme Court Justice Mary Yu

Justice Mary Yu was appointed to the Washington Supreme Court on May 1, 2014 after serving as a trial court judge in King County Superior Court for fourteen years. She has received numerous awards for work as a trial court judge, her commitment to mentoring students and young lawyers, for promoting access to justice, and leading the Minority and Justice Commission (Supreme Court Commission whose mission is to eliminate bias in our court system). 

Justice Yu has been active in our community through service on local not-for-profit boards such as FareStart, the King Co. Law Library, and the WA Leadership Institute while also serving as Jurist in Residence at SU School of Law. Justice Yu is the first woman of color (Asian and Latina) and open lesbian on our State Supreme Court. 



Sandy Allen, Candidate for Pierce County District Court Judge

Sandy has been a municipal court judge for the past 11 years. She is currently the Washington State Judicial College Trustee and a member of the District and Municipal Court Judges Association Education Committee. Most recently, she completed a three-year term on the Board of Governors for the District and Municipal Court Judges Association.

Sandy is a member of the Board for Court Education Continuing Judicial Education Committee, participates as a member of the Association of the United States Army Meriwether Lewis Chapter and  at the YMCA Washington State High School Mock Trial Competition as a Volunteer Judge. She has identified finding help for mentally ill defendants as one of her top priorities if elected.



Judge Marcine Anderson
King County District Court
Shoreline Electorate

Judge Anderson was appointed by the King County Council to the King County District Court, Shoreline Division in 2010. Prior to joining the bench, Judge Anderson worked as a Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney with the Civil Division of the King County Office of the Prosecuting Attorney where she covered technology law, including software licensing, cable television regulation and telecommunications.

Judge Anderson was also a misdemeanor prosecutor for a number of local cities, including Burien, Woodinville, Issaquah, Lake Stevens, Bothell and Redmond. She currently serves as an Advisory Board member of the Washington State Bar Association’s award winning Leadership Institute. Judge Anderson is the first woman and first Asian American woman to serve at the Shoreline District Court.  


Judge Johanna Bender
King County District Court
West Electorate

Judge Bender was appointed to the bench by the King County Council in May of 2012. Judge Bender served as a domestic violence advocate at the Domestic Abuse Women’s Network. She has worked in both the public and private sectors.

Judge Bender has been designated to serve in as the leader of the District Court’s therapeutic courts team for 2014/15, presiding over Regional Mental Health Court and Regional Veterans Court. She is the District Court’s 2014-2015 delegate to the County Mental Illness and Drug Dependency Oversight Committee.  She also serves as a member of the Seattle Police Department Crisis Intervention Committee Workgroup.  She works with community stakeholders to ensure effective and coordinated services for people living with mental illness in King County, and for the many veterans in our community.



Judge Karen Donohue
Seattle Municipal Court

Judge Donohue was elected to Seattle Municipal Court in 2010. Since joining the Court, she has presided over domestic violence calendars, Veteran’s Treatment Court and Seattle Community Court. Judge Donohue is one of the co-founders and co-directors of the award winning Seattle Youth Traffic Court, a partnership with Seattle University School of Law and Garfield High School. She has been elected by her peers to serve a second term as Assistant Presiding Judge and is the sponsor of the Court's Electronic Court File project.

Prior to joining the bench, Judge Donohue worked as a Judge Pro Tem in several district and municipal courts, in a general practice firm, as a law clerk/bailiff,  prosecutor and defense attorney, consultant and solo practitioner and as General Counsel at a global telecommunications consulting and network development firm. 



Judge Elizabeth "Beth" Fraser
Snohomish County District Court

Judge Fraser was appointed to the Snohomish County District Court  in January, 2013 after serving as a Public Defender for 13 years and then heading the Office of Public Defense as Attorney Administrator for an additional 12 years. She  was elected by her fellow judges as Assistant Presiding Judge. Judge Fraser’s broad experience with the District Court and her extensive budget and management skills have been great assets to the Court since her appointment. She has made the Court more accessible for ordinary citizens and is recognized as one of the County’s top rated judges.

Prior to being appointed, Beth was active with the endorsements committee of the NWPC-WA in Snohomish County.



Judge Julia Garratt
King County Superior Court, East Division 

In July 2013, Governor Jay Inslee appointed Julia Garratt to serve as Superior Court judge for King County. Judge previously served as a King County Superior Court Commissioner and worked as a pro tem judge since 1999.

Judge Garratt is a longtime member of the state Parole Board with jurisdiction over sex offenders. Additionally, Judge Garratt was a staff attorney in Seattle for the Associated Counsel for the Accused, representing indigent defendants throughout King County. Garratt has been rated exceptionally well by every single specialty bar association in King County, including the King County Bar.



Judge Janet Garrow
King County District Court
Northeast Electorate

Judge Garrow was elected to the King County District Court in 1998 and re-elected in 2002, 2006 and 2010. She has served several terms as the Presiding Judge of the District Court’s East Division and as a member of the Court’s Executive Committee.

Over the past 16 years, Judge Garrow has served at all the Eastside courthouses; Bellevue, Redmond, and Issaquah. She is currently hearing misdemeanor cases such as DUIs and domestic violence cases and handles other types of cases heard in District Court including criminal, felony first appearances, civil, small claims, infractions, and petitions for protection from domestic violence, stalking and harassment. For several years she served as a King County Superior Court portability judge handling civil trials, juvenile cases, and civil ex parte matters.



Judge Anne Harper
King County District Court
West Electorate

Judge Harper has been working in the justice system for 33 years. She has 13 years of experience on the bench in King County and currently serves as the West Division Presiding Judge. She also worked as a public defender for 16 years, primarily in the felony division. Judge Harper has focused on solving problems, working with others to create Domestic Violence Court; Regional Mental Health Court and Seattle Municipal Court's Community Court, which focuses of connecting defendants who are homeless with social services to reduce recidivism and incarceration. 


Sarah Hayne, Candidate for King County District Court Judge
Northeast Electorate

For more than 22 years, Sarah has practiced law in all public and private areas including as a prosecutor, a defense attorney and a Pro Tem judge. Currently, Sarah works as attorney on the Eastside, assisting in trials and appeals and representing clients in misdemeanor cases in the District and Municipal Courts.

Sarah is the youngest of eleven children and raised in poverty by a mostly single mother. At the age of 10, she suffered the loss of her oldest sister to a brutal murder and watched another sister's mental illness keep her mired in the courts. She has a unique appreciation for the powerlessness felt by the working poor, single parents, and those with few resources when confronted with a legal problem.

Sarah believes that access to justice should not depend on gender, wealth or power, but on the facts of and circumstances of each case. She has a passionate belief in equal treatment and access to justice for all citizens and will treat everyone who comes before her with respect and dignity.



Judge C. Kimi Kondo
Seattle Municipal Court

Judge C. Kimi Kondo is running for re-election. She currently serves as the Presiding Judge of the seven judge Court and is also the Mental Health Court Judge. She was one of the dedicated domestic violence judges for four years and also addressed DV probation violation hearings. An early member of the Gender and Justice Commission from 1995-2001, Judge Kondo worked to raise awareness about domestic violence issues throughout the state. Over her 24 year career, she has fairly and impartially adjudicated hundreds of trials. She has listened to victims of all types of crimes and fashioned sentences to  address the needs of the public and victims as well as protecting the rights of defendants.

As a proponent of the therapeutic approach to addressing mentally ill offenders who opt into the court, Judge Kondo finds satisfaction in helping defendants become stable in their housing and in managing their mental illness. Judge Kondo has fostered good relationships with all criminal justice partners and is dedicated to making Seattle Municipal Court the best court of limited jurisdiction in the state. 


Cathy Marshall, Candidate for Clallam County District Court Judge

District Court is often where people in this state have their first experience with the justice system. As a district court judge, it is Cathy's goal to make that experience one where a person gains respect for the justice system, learns to trust the justice system and feels they were treated fairly and civilly by the justice system. She has a good understanding of the issues women face, including poverty and abuse, and will endeavor to make sure women know they are being heard in the courtroom. 


Kristen Olbrechts
Candidate for Snohomish District Court Judge

Kristen has more than 20 years of legal experience. As a County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney and City Prosecutor for the Cities of Woodinville, Carnation, Buckley, and Granite Falls, she has prosecuted the full range of criminal charges in the courts of Snohomish, Clallam and King County. Kristen also has extensive experience as a criminal defense attorney, having been both a Public Defender and a private defense attorney with her own practice for the past 18 years.

Kristen did not draw an opponent in her campaign for this seat and will take her seat on the bench in January, 2015.



Lisa O'Toole
Candidate for King County District Court Judge, Northeast Electorate

Committed to providing everyone access to justice, if elected, Lisa will focus on access to justice for all, increasing public safety and inspiring public confidence in our legal system. 

Lisa brings twenty-seven years experience to the District Court bench, both as a King County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney and as a civil attorney in private practice. She also has extensive experience as a Judge Pro Tem in King County District Court and numerous municipal courts, presiding over both criminal and civil cases. Her broad base of experience allows her to conduct court hearings in an extremely efficient, thorough, and considerate manner.

Lisa has earned a reputation as a judge of great integrity who is fair, respectful, knowledgeable, and compassionate. She is a judge who ensures that justice is administered fairly, efficiently, and equally to all.



Judge Lisa Sutton
Candidate for Division 2, Court of Appeals Judge

Judge Lisa Sutton is seeking election to the Court of Appeals, Division II, District 2, position 1. Judge Robin Hunt, who has held the position for 18 years, enthusiastically endorses Judge Sutton. Washington Women Lawyers has rated her “Exceptionally Well Qualified.”  Judge Sutton served over 20 years at the Washington State Attorney General's Office litigating cases on complicated issues in courts across Washington, and was recognized for her work to improve domestic violence prevention and education. In November 2010, Governor Chris Gregoire appointed her to the Thurston County Superior Court bench.  Currently, she is the Presiding Judge at Thurston County Family & Juvenile Court. Judge Sutton values community service and is an active community volunteer. 

Judge Sutton was honored in 2012 with an award from Washington Women Lawyers for her continued efforts to mentor women lawyers to further the full integration of women in the legal profession, to promote equal rights and opportunities for women, and to prevent discrimination. 

donna.jpgJudge Donna Tucker
King County District Court Northeast Electorate

Judge Tucker was elected to the King County District Court in 2010. She offers nearly 30 years of public service in the courtroom handling criminal and civil cases. She brought 10 years experience as a judge pro tem in the municipal and district courts of King County where she handled the full range of civil and criminal cases filed in District Court. Prior to her time as judge pro tem she spent 21 years as a trial lawyer in district and municipal courts in King County. She was recently rated in the top 10 percent of King County District Court Judges in the 2014 King County Bar Association Judicial Officer Survey.

Judge Donna Tucker has been a resident of east King County for more than 45 years, and was a business owner for 17 years providing public defense services in Bellevue, Redmond, Kirkland, Issaquah, Woodinville and Bothell.



Judge Kalo Wilcox
Thurston County District Court

Judge Kalo Wilcox was elected in 2010 to the Thurston County District Court bench. Prior to taking the bench in January of 2011, Judge Wilcox served the City of Olympia as a Prosecuting Attorney since 1998. Judge Wilcox’s legal career has been in public service. She has served as a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney with the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, the Thurston County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, and as an Assistant Attorney General with the Washington State Attorney General’s Office. In 2010, Judge Wilcox was awarded the Outstanding Service Award by the Washington State Association of Municipal Attorneys.


Rep. Sherry Appleton 23rd LD

Sherry is a strong advocate for women. A long time supporter of reproductive health issues and equal pay, and speaking out for an increase in the minimum wage and the Dream Act in this last session.  Before running for the state legislature, she was an advocate to the legislature whose clients included the AAUW, NARAL, League of Women Voters, Public Defenders, Criminal Defense lawyers and a Coalition for a Jewish Voice. She is a lifelong mentor to young women and works to hire and promote women in her legislative office. 


Judy Arbogast
Candidate, State Senate 26th LD


Judy is an ardent supporter of women's rights. Throughout her nearly forty years as an educator, Judy has taught her students that everyone must be treated with respect and equality. She plans to carry that message into the Senate and intends to be a strong voice for women.


Her top priority is to fully fund education, as well as pass a transportation package and capital budget, which would increase jobs in the 26th district and throughout the State.

Judy is challenging anti-Choice Jan Angel, who moved to the Senate from the House in a special election last November.



Irene Bowling
Candidate, State Senate 35th LD

Irene Bowling is a small business owner and educator of more than 34 years. Her focus is on economic development in the 35th district. Irene has a long history of community involvement. An International Rotary Scholarship recipient and honorary Rotarian, Irene has spoken to numerous Rotary clubs in Washington, Canada, England, and Germany. As a former Board Member of the Bremerton Symphony, she was a part of a three-person committee that helped bring the symphony back from the brink of bankruptcy and turn it into a healthy organization. Irene is a 2012 YWCA recipient of the Outstanding Woman of Achievement Award, a founding member and trustee of the West Sound Performing Arts Center, and a frequent concert pianist for charitable causes. 

ChaseColor_300_dpi.jpg Sen. Maralyn Chase 32nd LD

Maralyn Chase is at the forefront of defending women’s hard-won rights against ever-increasing nationwide assaults. She sees these attacks as a concerted, organized attempt to undo the important gains women have been making since the early 20th century. Maralyn understands that we must work harder than ever to  empower women as full citizens. For the last three sessions, she and her co-sponsors have fought to pass the Reproductive Parity Act to ensure that reproductive rights including abortion will be part of all Washington state health care plans that cover pregnancy, no matter what happens at the federal level. 


Rep. Judy Clibborn 41st LD

Judy has served in the Legislature for 12 years. She has interest in foster care issues and ran the “Cover all Kids” Healthcare bill. She remains committed to women’s issues of parity and reproductive health and is a strong advocate for women and children in the legislature. Judy currently serves as the chair of the House Transportation Committee and in this role she has set the expectation that having women in leadership is important to solving important issues in Washington State.


Rep. Jessyn Farrell 46th LD

Jessyn Farrell serves as Vice Chair of the Transportation Committee and sits on the Local Government and Environment Committees. She is an attorney with a focus on mediation, and her professional experience includes working as the Executive Director of Transportation Choices Coalition. Her biggest accomplishment in that role – securing billions in transit funding by bringing together transit and road – remains a top priority in Olympia. As a mother of two children (with a third on the way), Jessyn is passionate about Washington’s education system and advocates strongly for fully funding our schools, from early learning through higher education. 


Rep. Tami Green
Candidate for State Senate 28th LD

Tami Green is working for people and environmental conservation in the legislature. She fights for education and health care services as a registered nurse for the past thirty years. She has worked at the Western State Hospital and the Child Study and Treatment Center, caring for Washington’s most severely mentally ill adults and children. Currently, she is employed at St. Joseph's hospital in Tacoma.

As a Lakewood parent, Tami is also been active in local schools, serving as a room mother, PTA secretary, and as a mentor in the "Community in Schools" program. Tami was raised in an active-duty military family and understands the importance of commitment, community and service. She settled in the Northwest after her husband completed his Air Force service in 1987 and is proud call the Lakewood her home.

Tami is challenging Steve O'Ban for his seat in the state Senate. O'Ban is endorsed by the Human Life PAC of Washington, and voted against requiring insurance companies to provide a full range of reproductive services for women. 


Rep. Mia Gregerson 33rd LD

Mia Gregerson was appointed to the House to fulfill former legislator Dave Upthegrove’s term in late 2013. Mia serves on three committees; Vice Chair of Local Government, Community Housing/Tribal Affairs and Higher Education. She also serves on many regional committees such as the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) Executive Board.

Mia began her political career as a council member for the city of SeaTac and currently serves as the mayor. She is a passionate voice for communities that are underrepresented on policy issues related to housing, healthcare and funding education. 


Rep. Kathy Haigh 35th LD

Kathy Haigh was first elected to represent the 35th legislative district in 1998. She is a veterinarian who has been in practice with her husband, Gary, for 35 years in Shelton Washington. She first served in public office as a school director for Southside School for 12 years. She is a past president, and first woman president, of the Washington State Veterinary Medical Association.

Kathy ran for office with a commitment to be a leader who listens to the people and responds to their needs. Education funding was a focus of her first run for office and she remains focused on education funding as chair of the Education Appropriations Sub Committee. She also served as chair of the State Government Committee for four years and provided leadership through issues of gay rights, efficiency and effectiveness of government through performance audits, and creating an elections system that gives all registered voters the greatest opportunity to vote using mail ballots and creating an accountable paper trail for all elections. 


Essie Hicks
Candidate for State House, 5th LD

Essie Hicks is a mother of five and currently serves as the Legislative Director for Issaquah Valley Elementary. She volunteers for Issaquah Schools to run levy and bond campaigns and Vine Maple Place, a shelter for homeless families in Maple Valley. Previously, Essie served the City of Maple Valley as a Planning Commissioner on the Board of the Maple Valley Farmers Market and as a PTA Legislative Liaison.

Essie, formerly a business owner, has a strong entrepreneurial spirit and creative problem solving attitude. In addition, she was the former member of the Olympia Chamber of Commerce and Women's Business exchange, where she learned the importance of transparency.



Pramila Jayapal
Candidate for State Senate, 37th LD

Pramila is a leading national advocate for immigrant, civil, and human rights. She founded the organization One America to fight against the targeting of Arabs, Muslims, and South Asians, and to bring together a broad-based coalition of organizations from different ethnic and religious communities, politicians, and government agencies. She served as director of One America for 11 years where she led the largest voter registration effort of new Americans in Washington State, registering a total of over 23,000 new Americans to vote.


Pramila currently works with the Center for Community Change on issues of race and economic opportunity, and chairs We Belong Together, a national campaign to mobilize women in support of common-sense immigration reform. In 2013, Pramila was recognized as a White House Champion of Change, along with 14 other AAPI women across the country.

She has been deeply involved in local issues of police reform and economic justice issues, serving as a Co-Chair of the committee to select a new Seattle Police Chief and as part of the Mayor’s Committee on Income Inequality.



Rep. Laurie Jinkins 27th LD

Laurie was first elected to the House of Representatives in 2010 and was re-elected in 2012 with 71% of the vote. She serves on the Health Care & Wellness and Appropriations Committees. In 2014, Laurie was also appointed Chair of the Judiciary Committee, and successfully sheparded controversial firearm responsibility and juvenile justice issues through the legislature.

As the first open lesbian serving in the legislature, Laurie was integral to the passage of Washington’s marriage equality law. She has worked effectively on behalf of women’s reproductive health and the right to choice and has earned a reputation as a principled, collaborative and thoughtful advocate willing to take on tough issues and get results. 


Rep. Ruth Kagi, 32nd LD



Sen. Karen Keiser 33rd LD

Karen Keiser has been a Washington State Senator since 2001 and has earned a reputation as a tireless advocate for improving health care. Before coming to the Senate, she served in the State House from 1996 to 2001. Karen is the assistant ranking member on the Senate Ways & Means Committee, where she serves as ranking member on the Capital Budget. She also sits on the Senate Health Care Committee, which she formerly chaired and served as ranking member while ushering in implementation of the Affordable Care Act at the state level.

In addition to serving the citizens of Washington, Karen serves as the chair of the Working Group of State Legislators for Health Reform, a group of legislators from across the nation working to implement health reform. She also is a vice-chair of the National Conference of State Legislators Health Committee and an Executive Board member of the Progressive States Network.



Christine Kilduff, Candidate for State House 28th LD Pos. 2

Christine has spent most of her career in public service advocating on behalf of the people of Washington state. She is an attorney, manager, and litigator who has handled hundreds of court cases and hearings in more than 20 years of legal practice. The granddaughter of four Irish immigrants who arrived in the United States with very little education and savings, Christine firmly believes in the power of public education and the many opportunities it provides our youngest citizens. This strongly held belief led to her two-time election to the University Place School Board where she has served as Vice President and now serves as President. During Chris’ tenure, the Board has been twice recognized as a Board of Distinction by the statewide school board association, and the district’s superintendent was named the 2012 Superintendent of the Year.

Chris has lived in University Place for the last 15 years and is active in PTA, Citizens for University Place Schools, Lawyers Helping Hungry Children and various volunteer legal clinics.



Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles 36th LD

Jeanne Kohl-Welles has long been a champion for advancing women's equality and social justice, as a legislator and as an academic, researcher, author, expert witness and speaker. She was Assistant Dean/Coordinator of Women's Programs at UC Irvine and a desegregation assistance specialist on Title IX implementation with the U.S. Department for Education as well as an expert witness on Title IX and sexual harassment in cases involving school districts.

Jeanne was first elected to the state Senate in 1994 and has focused on women's equality, protection of children and vulnerable adults, commercial sexual abuse of minors, and human trafficking. Jeanne is also a member of the UW Women’s Center Anti-Trafficking Task Force and the Statewide Coordinating Committee on Sex Trafficking and the Commercially Sexually Exploited Children Statewide Coordinating Committee. 


Rep. Kris Lytton 40th LD

Serving in the legislature since 2011, Kris originally became involved as an elected leader while serving on the Anacortes School Board. As a Representative, she has continued her passion of ensuring that every child in our state receives a quality education. She believes that working together, we can build strong communities where businesses can thrive, children have a great education, neighborhoods are safe, and where every family has the opportunity to succeed.
Kris currently is the House Deputy Majority Floor Leader, and serves on the Education, Finance, Appropriations, and Agriculture & Natural Resources committees. She is a mentor for women considering running for office and works with the House leadership to identify and encourage women candidates. 


Teodora Martinez Chavez
Candidate for State House  15th LD 

Teodora currently serves as the chair of the 15th Legislative District Democratic organization, and chair of the Latino Caucus. 

She is committed to fighting for equal pay for equal work, raising the minimum wage to a livable wage, quality education from preschool to college, and making sure all women have access to the affordable health care they need. Her goal is ensure that every woman in her district has what she needs to succeed for herself, for her children, and for her grandchildren.


Joy Monjure
Candidate for State House 42nd LD

Joy is a small business owner, former Everson City Council member and former president of the Everson/Nooksack Chamber of Commerce. She has been an active supporter of farming and farm families for more than 20 years. If elected, she hopes to bring good jobs to Whatcom County by funding transportation projects, ensuring prosperous and sustainable farming, bringing healthy, local food to our school lunchrooms, resolving water resource issues and supporting funding for education.

Monjure's opponent, Vincent Buys, is a far-right conservative who opposed marriage equality and supports Tim Eyman initiatives. Monjure would be a welcome change for this district. 


Joan McBride
Candidate for State House, 48th LD

Former Kirkland Mayor Joan McBride recently retired after serving 16 years on the Kirkland City Council. She is proud of her long history of supporting women's issues, starting in 1970 by doorbelling and advocating for Ref. 20 that legalized abortion in the state. Before becoming an elected official, Joan worked on social justice issues including support for the WIC program and food scarcity issues. As a member of the Kirkland City Council, Joan worked tirelessly to provide affordable housing on the Eastside. She championed Kirkland becoming the first city on the Eastside to offer domestic partnership benefits to city employees.

Joan received the "Elected Official of the Year" award from the Alliance of Eastside Agencies for her work in human services. Recently Joan co-founded WE-Eastside Progressive Women, an organization that promotes women in elected office, business, and non-profits. 


Rep. Dawn Morrell 25th LD

Dawn Morrell has called Puyallup home for nearly thirty years. In 2002, Dawn was elected to represent the 25th legislative district. During her tenure, Dawn served as both Majority Caucus Chair and Deputy Majority Whip. She lost a tight race for the seat by 47 votes in 2010, ran again and won in 2012. She currently serves as Chair of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services. Her legislative priorities include making critical investments in education, strengthening our business climate to create family wage jobs, and ensuring that affordable, quality health care is available to every Washingtonian.

Dawn has been a certified critical care nurse at Multicare Good Samaritan Hospital in Puyallup since 1984. In addition to her work at Good Samaritan, Dawn served on the Washington State Nurses Association’s Legislative and Health Policy Council and the Pierce County Nursing Association’s Board of Directors.



Mary Moss, Candidate for State House 28th LD Pos. 1

Mary Moss was elected to Position 1 on the Lakewood City Council in November 2009. She is a native of Virginia and moved to Washington State as a military dependent. Mary received the Pierce County Chapter of Credit Unions’ Lifetime Achievement Award and was chosen as a Woman of Influence by the Business Examiner. In addition, Governor Jay Inslee re-appointed Mary to the Clover Park Technical College Board of Trustees through the end of 2018.

Mary is the proud mother of three adult children and 11 grandchildren.



Sen. Sharon Nelson 34th LD

Senator Sharon Nelson was first appointed to the House of Representatives in 2007 and served in the House for three years before being elected in 2010 to the State Senate. In late 2013 she was elected by her Democratic colleagues to serve as the Democratic Caucus Leader. Sharon originally got involved in politics due to her desire to protect consumers and to protect the environment. Before joining the State Legislature she served as County Councilmember Dow Constantine's Chief of Staff and as a key opponent to a proposed strip mine on Maury Island. 


Tammey Newton, Candidate for State House 35th LD

Tammy Newton, a past high-tech professional, ran a successful business for seven years and then transitioned to the nonprofit sector. She worked with an organization focused on adult basic education and English as a second language and then with Habitat for Humanity, a nonprofit focused on providing affordable housing.

In 2010, she made the decision to further her education and in June, Tammy graduated with Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Washington, Foster School of Business. As a result of her experience, Tammy is making education and economic development top priorities in her campaign. 



Rep. Lillian Ortiz-Self 21st LD

Representative Ortiz-Self was appointed to fill the House seat vacated by Marko Liias upon his Senate appointment this past January.

As a counselor in the Everett School District and with work experience in a variety of child service organizations, Lillian has a deep appreciation and understanding for human services and what they can do to help families and children.

She Co-chairs the Legislators Educational Opportunity Gap statewide committee, and is a member of the State of Washington’s Achievement Accountability Education Work group and the Discipline Task Force. 


Rep. Tina Orwall 33rd LD

Tina was first elected to the state legislature in 2008. She serves as Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore and is the Co-Chair the Joint Veterans and Military Affairs Committee.

She is a strong advocate for families and has worked extensively to protect homeowners facing foreclosure, strengthened suicide prevention efforts and increase support for servicemen and women. 


Rep. June Robinson 38th LD

In December 2013, June Robinson was appointed by the Snohomish County Council to an open seat in the House of Representatives. Rep. Robinson serves on the Capital Budget Committee, the Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs Committee, and the Government Operations & Elections Committee.

June’s commitment to public service began on the international level right after her undergraduate college work: She joined the Peace Corps and spent three years in rural Jamaica, working as a public-health nutritionist.

Currently, June works at Public Health Seattle and King County, managing Community Health Worker programs that address chronic disease self-management for people living with asthma and diabetes.



Rep. Cindy Ryu 32nd LD

Cindy was first elected to the legislature in 2010. Prior to that, she served on the Shoreline City Council where she was elected Mayor in 2008, becoming the first female Korean-American mayor in the county.

Cindy is a strong advocate for the small business owner, public transportation, environmental and consumer protection and public safety. After receiving nearly unanimous votes in the House for three years, Cindy’s 20-mph Neighborhood Safe Streets Bill HB 1045 received overwhelming majority of the Senate votes in the final minutes of the 2013 Regular Session. In the 2014 session, her Credit Union Bill allowing simple majority vote of their membership and the companion to her HB 2644 Coercion of Involuntary Servitude (anti-human trafficking) passed both chambers of the Legislature.

Cindy works for increased access to credit building, affordable small consumer loans for the working poor and welcomes ideas for implementable solutions to make Washington a better place for us to live, work, and raise our families.  


Rep. Tana Senn 41st LD


Tana Senn was appointed to the legislature by unanimous vote of the King County Council in September of 2013. She is now running to retain her position as Representative of the 41st Legislative District.

Tana decided to run for the legislature because there weren't enough legislators who truly understood the challenges facing families. With two kids in public schools, she is a tireless advocate of education. Her first piece of legislation increased access to quality early learning services for children in our child welfare system. She is currently working on an Equal Pay measure to be introduced in the 2015 legislative session.  Tana has also served on the Mercer Island City Council since January of 2012 and was honored by Mercer Island City Councilmember Debbie Bertlin and the NWPC-WA as a Campaign Heroine for the 2011 election cycle.

In addition to her public service, Tana has worked as a communications professional for nonprofits and foundations for over a decade and earned a Masters in Public Administration from Columbia University.



Shari Song
Candidate for State Senate, 30th LD

Shari Song is a mom, businesswoman and community leader. She first moved to Federal Way 27 years ago and is running for Tracey Eide’s open senate seat. She is a managing broker at a local real estate company.

Shari founded the Mission Church Preschool Learning and Education Center to prepare children to start school. Her priorities include: education and opportunity, job security, freedom of choice for women to make their own reproductive decisions, equal pay for equal work and improved transportation options.

Soroptomist International honored her as a “Woman of Distinction” and former King County Executive Ron Sims gave Shari a Recognition Award for Community Service.



Rep. Monica Stonier 17th LD

 Monica was elected in 2012 and is currently the youngest woman serving in the legislature. She works as a teacher and instructional coach in a middle school, and is raising a young family.

Monica came to the legislature to shape policy that meets the needs of students who are risk for dropping out while still increasing rigor for every student. Monica advocates for issues affecting working families and women’s health issues. This past year, she sponsored HB 2700 creating the Breast Cancer Awareness license plate which will provide funding for early screenings for breast, cervical, and colon cancers for our most at risk populations. Currently, she serves on the House Technology and Economic Development Committee, Capital Budget, Vice Chair on the House Education Committee, and Co-Chair of the Career Educational Opportunities Task Force.


Rep. Gael Tarleton 36th LD

Gael was first elected to serve King County as a Port of Seattle Commissioner in 2007 and served as Commission President in 2012. During her five years at the Port, Gael worked to increase transparency, protect the environment, and bring an end to human trafficking.

Gael was first elected to represent the 36th legislative district in 2012 and is focused on creating jobs, safeguarding our environment, ensuring government accountability, adequately funding higher education, and funding health care. Gael was appointed to serve on several boards and work groups such as the Women Legislators Lobby (WiLL), Pacific NorthWest Economic Region, and Legislators’ Energy Horizons Institute. She is a strong feminist and advocate for women's equality and takes every opportunity to mentor and advise women running for office.



Rep. Sharon Tomiko Santos 37th LD

First elected in 1998, Sharon represents the 37th District, the most diverse legislative district in the state. She served as Chair of the King County Women’s Political Caucus and Founding Co-Chair of the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum.
As a state legislator, Sharon champions our civil rights and fights for equality through public policy. She spearheads educational equity and excellence for every student without exception. She is a leading voice in promoting and protecting economic opportunities for women-owned and minority-owned businesses, and is a staunch supporter and sentinel of women’s health and reproductive rights as well as of immigrant rights. She is, and will continue to be, relentless in the pursuit of equal opportunities and equal rights for all.   


Rep. Maureen Walsh 16th LD

 Maureen is a pro-choice Republican who has taken courageous votes on behalf of equal rights for all - often in opposition to her party. She was a strong, passionate voice in support of Marriage Equality.

She is an advocate for families and children, serving on the Early Learning Committee where she is proud to have helped pass the Family Assessment Response (FAR) bill that allows social/caseworkers to interact more personally with families in crisis to determine the most effective and least egregious way to assist them. She feels strongly that women need to feel secure that their children will receive quality childcare in a safe and loving environment should they choose to enter the work force. 


Maureen Winningham
Candidate for State House, 18th LD

Maureen is a business woman in Vancouver and her campaign is focused on education and infrastructure. She works as head of global research and development and information technology for Intel Security. She also mentors young women entering science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM, professions, and trains people in conflict resolution. Winningham is one of 1300 people globally to earn the Certified Professional in Learning and Performance (CPLP) from the American Society for Training and Development. 


Rep. Sharon Wylie 49th LD

Sharon Wylie has represented the 49th District since she was appointed in 2011. She was then elected in a special election and ran successfully in the regular election in 2012. She has over 25 years of experience in management consulting and served two terms in the Oregon legislature. She also is on the Economic Development, Technology and Energy Committee and Higher Education Committees.

She has advocated for women’s issues for many years and was one of the first staff members of what is now the King County Sexual Assault Resource Center. Education, protection of vulnerable people and fair and sufficient taxation with efficient, cost effective services are high priorities. Investing in our education systems and our physical infrastructure as well as attending to the consumer issues affecting senior citizens are critical topics that require attention at all levels of government. 



Deanna Pauli-Hammond
Candidate for County Clerk

Deanna brings with her an extensive background in business and finance, and private-sector leadership roles. Her work in the Clerk's office will advocate for the public, focusing on support for vulnerable groups such as Low-Income families, Women, Children, and the Elderly. Deanna is a pro-choice advocate who supports health care parity and income equality in the workplace.   


Jane Van Dyke
Candidate for Clark Public Utilities/ PUD Commissioner #3 

Families and businesses depend on a well-run utility that provides reliable electricity and water at low stable rates. Jane Van Dyke believes that Clark Public Utilities/PUD must focus on customer service, assist low income families and seniors, implement home and business conservation and efficiency measures, and be committed to environmental stewardship. As an important service in the community and a major employer, the utility needs to include equality and equal opportunity in its policies and practices. 

Jane's legal training, experience, and long-time interest will provide the customer owners of Clark Public Utilities proven, effective and engaged leadership.



Wendy Davis, Candidate for Sheriff

When elected, Wendy will be the only woman currently elected Sheriff in Washington State. Wendy brings over twenty years’ experience to the job, most recently served as Deputy Chief of Police in Poulsbo, and before that was a Sergeant in the Bremerton Police Department.

One of her top priorities is to develop a robust community-oriented policing program throughout Jefferson County. She is committed to on-going training for all personnel, especially in the areas of domestic disputes, mental health crises and substance abuse.

Wendy is a mom and a veteran and served in the USMC from 1985 – 1993. She has worked in her career to promote equality, especially for women in law enforcement by encouraging them to participate in the Police Explorer Program and Police Reserve Program. She is in a three-way Primary with male opponents and has been endorsed by Jefferson County Democrats.



Kathleen Kler, Candidate for County Commissioner

Kathleen Kler is committed to strengthening the local economy, adding family-wage jobs and protecting the natural resources that define our communities. She has represented District 3 on the County’s Park and Recreation Advisory Board since 2009 and is actively involved in the Exploratory Regional Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, which led to her appointment of co-chair of the MPD Steering Committee.

Kathleen is a nurse, she has served on the board of the Port Townsend Film Institute, and has been the liaison for several organizations, such the Fund for Women and Girls and Neighborhood Preparedness, to expand their reach throughout the county.



Linda Streissguth
County Commissioner

Linda was appointed to Kitsap County Commission in January and is now running for a full four-year term. Kitsap County is currently undergoing a system-wide comprehensive compensation review and Linda, a former County planning commissioner, is committed to ensuring gender parity exists throughout the process. Her priorities include ensuring the County has a thriving economy that is sustainable and diversified; neighborhoods that are safe, healthy places with housing, transportation, and recreation options and developing community-based solutions and the resources needed to address trends of increasing homelessness, poverty, mental health and substance abuse. Linda has had the opportunity to recruit four women to serve on various County Boards and will continue to identify and mentor women to have a voice.  


Dolores Gilmore
Candidate for Kitsap County Auditor

Dolores Gilmore will bring 30 years experience to the position of Auditor. Dolores is nationally and state certified as an elections administrator. She has worked in all four divisions of the Auditor’s Office and has been Kitsap County’s top Elections Administrator for the past 20 years. Dolores has been recognized for her work improving ballot access for military overseas voters and voters with disabilities.

As a young single mother, Dolores’ career began with a job training program that gave her the skills and the chance she needed to succeed. An advocate for easy access to information and services, Dolores opposes any effort that would make voting more difficult or that would diminish the value of an individual vote.


Jenifer Slemp
:Candidate for Lewis County Auditor

Jenifer is currently a Napavine City Councilor. She has worked in for-profit and non-profit businesses in business administration and management for 20 years. She serves on the SW Washington Economic Development Commission, the Lewis County MH-CD-TC Sales Tax Advisory Board, and is Vice-President of the Napavine Foundation.

Jenifer will be a professional, honest, customer-friendly auditor to oversee accurate and transparent elections, and precise services in licensing, recording, and finance. Jenifer is an elected official who understands elections. She is hardworking, fair, and dedicated to excellence in customer service, communication, teamwork, and innovation to provide the essential needs of the citizens. She is dedicated to educating all citizens in the process of voting and encouraging other women to take the lead and run for elected office. 


Dolly Hunt
Candidate for County Prosecutor

Dolly has been a deputy prosecutor and dedicated public servant for over ten years. She has handled hundreds of cases ranging from sexual assault, child abuse and violent crimes. She has met with hundreds of crime victims and is proud to have pursued justice for them, their families and their communities.

Dolly also works on social justice issues affecting women through her participation on a various Washington State Bar committees, the board of Columbia Legal Services and Soroptimist. 


Julie Anderson
County Auditor

Pierce County Auditor Julie Anderson is both a committed public servant and a passionate advocate for accessible government. Since her 2009 election, Julie has created an Auditor's Office with a reputation statewide for integrity, responsiveness, and community outreach. Julie's personal mission, whether on the Tacoma City Council or serving as County Auditor, is to "reaffirm the public's faith in the efficiency and integrity of local government." She has is personally committed to engaging the public in the civic process and has been a resource for women seeking to run for office. Re-elected in 2010 with over 70% of the vote, Julie is running for a second full term this year. 


Carolyn Eslick
Candidate for County Executive

Carolyn Eslick is currently serving her 2nd term as the Mayor for the City of Sultan. With her council and staff she has maintained a balanced budget and created an award winning comprehensive plan. Carolyn previously served 35 years in the private sector as a business owner and consultant. She is a proven leader and advocates on behalf of public safety, fiscal responsibility and economic development.

Carolyn previously held leadership positions at Snohomish County Health Department, the Sultan Education Foundation, the Timber Resource Council, the Sultan Food Bank, Everett Community College, Snohomish County Boys and Girls Clubs and was invited by the Governor to co-chair the Washington State Small Business Improvement Council in 2000. In 2010, Carolyn founded GROW Washington, a retail-focused business incubator.



Judy Tuohy
Candidate for Everett City Council

Judy Tuohy is running for Everett City Council Position #7 in order to continue two decades of working to improve Everett. As Executive Director of the Schack Art Center, she has encouraged local business, artists and leaders from all walks of life to prove that art, education and imagination are powerful economic tools in building community.
Judy brings over 24 years of experience in business administration and management as well as years of service on community and statewide boards and civic organizations to this Council position. She currently serves on the Snohomish County Tourism Board of Directors.
Judy will be committed to public safety, fiscal responsibility, careful management of  resources and clear and open communication with the citizens. Importantly, Judy will become only the 2nd woman on this Council and help fill the void of diversity and women. 


Amy Biviano, Candidate for County Treasurer



Mary Lou Johnson, Candidate for County Commissioner

Mary Lou is committed to working for social and economic equity for women, smarter urban growth expansion and economic development that has as a goal more middle class and family wage jobs with ladders of opportunities for apprentices and veterans. Mary Lou is a retired attorney, nurse practitioner and trained mediator. She has been a leader in reform of Spokane County’s criminal justice system and wants to implement the reform measures to increase public safety and spend tax dollars more wisely. She has also been a leader with the Spokane Alliance working for quality jobs to rebuild the middle class protect the Spokane River and improve public safety.  


Mary Wissink, Candidate for
County Clerk

Mary Wissink is the Commissioner at Spokane County Water District 3 and the Acting Vice Chair of the Spokane County Democratic Central Committee. She is well-versed in the role and responsibilities of the Clerk's office with 26 years of legal experience including 12 years as the Judicial Assistant/Bailiff to a senior Superior Court Judge.

Mary was recruited to run for the Clerk's position by community leaders who were surprised that the appointee, a conservative man who moved to Spokane from Florida recently and who has no legal experience, did not have a challenger. She is running a write-in campaign for a position on the General Election ballot.

Mary is committed to making access to justice easier for the people of Spokane, to leverage technology to provide services to all citizens efficiently and effectively with respect for staff, public employees and officials, and members of the public. 


Mary Hall
County Auditor

Mary Hall was elected to the position of Thurston County Auditor in 2013. She brings 16 years of important experience and works hard to conduct fair, accurate, honest and transparent elections.

Mary served as the Pierce County Elections Supervisor and began her elections career in 1996. She is a nationally and state certified election and registration administrator. She graduated in 2004 from the national certification program sponsored by Auburn University and the Elections Center. Mary won the Pierce County Innovation Award in 2012 for her vision to integrate GIS and voter registration.



Karen Valenzuela
County Commissioner

Karen Valenzuela was appointed to the Thurston County Commission by then Governor Christine Gregoire in January 2009, elected in November of that year and re-elected in November 2010 to a full four-year term. Her Commission work is focused on preservation of habitat and farmlands, climate change, and combating homelessness. Prior to serving as a County Commissioner, Karen served nine years on the Tumwater City Council, and was a public health worker for twenty years.


Yvonne Pettus
Candidate for County Clerk (dual)

Yvonne Pettus, current Chief Deputy Clerk has a 31-year record of experience and accomplishments in court administration. A respected leader statewide, Yvonne has won key endorsements and support from across the County for this election because of her leadership, management skills and reputation for efficient use of taxpayer dollars. Yvonne’s commitment to greater efficiencies while improving court services resulted in an 8% reduction in the 2014 Clerk’s budget.

As County Clerk, Yvonne will help protect the victims of domestic violence by expanding electronic court services to outlying areas of the County. This important step will help victims better protect themselves and their children through accelerated access to the court system.



Linda Enlow
Candidate for County Clerk (dual)