National Women's Political Caucus of Washington

NWPC-WA Bylaws

Adopted January 2023.

National Women’s Political Caucus of Washington State



5 The name of this organization shall be the National Women’s Political Caucus of Washington

6 State (NWPC-WA), a multipartisan, not-for-profit membership corporation incorporated in the

7 state of Washington, which shall have a perpetual existence and which shall not have issue or

8 pay dividends.



11 The purpose of the NWPC-WA is to increase women’s participation in the political process

12 and to identify, recruit, train and support feminist women for election and appointment to

13 public office. While in pursuit of this goal, NWPC-WA will fight to win equality for all

14 women, transgender, and non-binary people; to ensure reproductive freedom; to support

15 equitable care services, including early childhood, elder, and dependent care; and to lift up

16 marginalized communities, and to eradicate violence, poverty and discrimination on any basis.



19 (A) ELIGIBILITY. Membership in the NWPC-WA shall be open to any individual, without

20 regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, gender identity, age, ability, religion, economic

21 status, or sexual orientation, who supports the purposes and goals of the organization and for

22 whom dues have been remitted.


24 (B) MEMBERSHIP. A member of the NWPC-WA by definition shall be a member of the

25 National Women’s Political (NWPC), and a member of the local caucus or local

26 endorsements action committee (LEAC) in their county of residence or employment or in

27 an adjacent county if one exists.





32 (A) PURPOSE. Members shall be organized into local caucuses or LEACs in order to promote

33 the purpose of the NWPC-WA and to take action at the local level.



36 1. Any group of ten (10) or more persons may form a local Caucus. Locals shall be

37 chartered by the State Board of Directors in accordance with procedures

38 established by that body, along elective political boundaries or combination of

39 such areas that shall be declared at the time of credentialing.

40 2. Where insufficient resources exist to form a local Caucus, members may choose


to form a LEAC for the 41 purposes of recruiting, identifying, endorsing and

42 supporting candidates for local elective and appointive offices.

43 (a) A LEAC shall consist of a minimum of three (3) Caucus members in good standing

44 and must be recognized by the State Endorsement Committee.

45 (b) A LEAC shall function as a subcommittee of the State Endorsement

46 Committee for the purposes of endorsing local candidates and is bound

47 by the state endorsement policies.



5 0 1. Local caucus/LEAC boundaries are county boundaries.

5 1 2. An existing Caucus/LEAC may change its boundaries by petitioning the State Board,

5 2 defining for the State Board its proposed new boundaries and responsibilities,

5 3 providing that these new boundaries and responsibilities do not encompass any part or

5 4 work of an existing local except by mutual consent.


5 (6D ) RESPONSIBILITIES. Local Caucus chapters shall:

5 7 1. Comply with all federal, state, and local laws governing political contributions,

5 8 political activity and candidate support;

5 9 2. Refrain from any activity that would jeopardize the tax status of the NWPC, the

6 0 NWPC Campaign Support Committee, NWPC-WA, or NWPC-WA PAC;

6 1 3. Adopt bylaws that comply with state and national bylaws and the policy of the

6 2 state and national Political Planning and Appointments Committee and/or

6 3 Endorsement Committee, and file those bylaws and amendments thereto with

6 4 NWPC-WA;

6 5 4. Transmit official information, including lists of officers, meeting notices, meeting

6 6 minutes, newsletters, bylaws, mode of operation and endorsements to NWPC-WA

6 7 in timely fashion;

6 8 5. Hold regular, open, publicly announced meetings at such locations as will

6 9 accommodate the majority of their members;

7 0 6. Develop and implement an affirmative action process which will assure

7 1 membership representation of racial and ethnic minorities, as well as a

7 2 multipartisan balance in the geographic area of the local Caucus. Caucuses failing

7 3 to meet this requirement are subject to challenge, including loss of credentialing

7 4 as a member caucus;

7 5 7. Endorse and provide support for candidates for offices within their jurisdictions

7 6 who support NWPC issues;

7 7 8. Take no position in opposition to the national organization.



80 (A) PURPOSE. Members shall be organized into a state Caucus in order to promote the

81 purpose of the NWPC and to take action at the state level.



(B) RECOGNITION STANDARDS. The state 83 Caucus shall be organized in conformity

84 with recognition standards formulated by the NWPC Board of Directors and adopted

85 by the national convention. Only one (1) state Caucus, as defined by the NWPC Board of

86 Directors, shall be recognized for the state of Washington.



89 1. Assist in organizing and developing, and provide assistance as required to local

90 Caucus chapters;

91 2. Adopt bylaws in compliance with the bylaws of the NWPC and the NWPC Political

92 Planning and Appointment Committee, and file all such bylaws and amendments

93 thereto from NWPC to local Caucus chapters;

94 3. Transmit official communications from NWPC to local Caucus chapters;

95 4. Maintain a body of at least thirty (30) NWPC-WA members in good standing;

96 5. Endorse and provide support for candidates to statewide office and local office where

97 no local Caucus chapter exists;

98 6. Select delegates and alternates to the NWPC biennial convention;

99 7. Transmit to the NWPC dues and membership proof for each member;

100 8. Credential local Caucus chapters;

101 9. Establish state Caucus dues and assessments.



104 (A) FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of the NWPC-WA shall commence on the first day of

105 January of each year for national, state, and local Caucuses.


107 (B) FINANCIAL SUPPORT. Financial responsibility for the work of the NWPC-WA as a

108 whole

109 shall be assumed annually by the state and local Caucuses.


111 (C) DUES. Members shall pay annual dues.

112 1. Dues shall be of sufficient amount to cover national, state, and local dues per member

113 payments established by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the State Board of Directors.

114 2. Dues are paid on an anniversary date.


116 (D) SCHOLARSHIPS. The local Caucus chapters and state Caucus will establish policy,

117 dependent on fiscal condition, to cover local and state scholarships.


119 (E) STANDING. Any state Caucus member whose name has been duly certified to the

120 NWPC and whose NWPC dues have been paid shall be a member in good standing.

121 Only members in good standing shall be eligible to serve as NWPC-WA officers,

122 members of the State Board of Directors, or voting delegates at NWPC-WA annual

123 membership meetings, or have any other privileges of membership.




126 (A) ENUMERATION AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The officers shall be the President,

127 two (2) Vice Presidents (one Republican and one Democrat), Secretary, Treasurer,

128 and Endorsement Committee Chair(s). The officers shall be elected in the business session

129 of the annual membership meeting in alternating years; with the intention of staggering terms

130 as feasible.


132 (B) TERMS. All officers will serve two-year terms as mandated in Section A of this

133 Article.


135 (C) VACANCIES. A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the Vice President

136 elected in the same year as the President. Vacancies in other elected offices shall be filled by

137 the State Board of Directors.


139 (D) STATE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. All officers are voting members of the State Board

140 of Directors.


142 (E) ELIGIBILITY FOR STATE OFFICE. The State President must have served on the State

143 Board for at least one (1) year.



146 1. The State President, Vice Presidents and Candidate Endorsement Chair(s) shall refrain

147 from lending their names, contributing money and/or publicly supporting candidates

148 whose offices are to be considered in the state and local endorsement procedure until

149 after the endorsement procedure is completed for that race.

150 2. During their terms in office, the President, Vice Presidents and Candidate Endorsement

151 Chair(s) shall not personally endorse any candidate whose opposition has been endorsed

152 by the state and/or local caucuses.


154 (G) REMOVAL OF OFFICERS. An officer may be removed for cause by two-thirds (2/3) vote

155 of the total membership of the State Board provided notice of the pending vote has been

156 sent to all members of the State Board and all local presidents at least thirty (30) days prior

157 to the meeting. Cause for the pending vote to remove shall be included in the notice.



160 (A) GENERAL DUTIES. State Board members shall be responsible for all legal and fiduciary

161 decisions for the organization. Board members shall also be responsible for fundraising for

162 the organization.


164 (B) STATE PRESIDENT. The President shall:

165 1. Serve as the executive officer of NWPC-WA and preside at all meetings of NWPC-WA;

2. Act 166 as official spokesperson for NWPC-WA;

167 3. Chair the State Board of Directors meetings;

168 4. Serve ex-officio on all committees of NWPC-WA, except the Nominating Committee;

169 5. Establish other committees as may be deemed necessary, except otherwise provided in

170 these bylaws;

171 6. Execute contracts and other instruments authorized by the State Board of Directors;

172 7. Ensure that NWPC-WA complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws

173 governing political activity, political contributions, and candidate support, as determined

174 by the legal opinion of independent council;

175 8. Draft an annual budget in consultation with the treasurer to present to the Board prior to

176 the annual membership meeting;

177 9. The President may delegate some of her functions to an Executive Director with the

178 consent of the State Board.


180 (C) VICE PRESIDENTS. The Vice Presidents shall:

181 1. In the absence of the President, preside at meetings and otherwise act for the President;

182 2. Succeed to the office of President in the event of vacancy;

183 3. Serve as official spokesperson(s) for NWPC-WA upon request of the President;

184 4. Serve as resource person(s) to state and local Caucuses;

185 5. Serve on at least one (1) standing committee;

186 6. Perform other duties as may be assigned by the President.


188 (D) SECRETARY. The Secretary shall:

189 1. Assume responsibility for issuance of all meeting notices of NWPC-WA and the State

190 Board;

191 2. Record and distribute minutes of all meetings of NWPC-WA and the State Board;

192 3. Assume responsibility for maintenance and custody of the official NWPC-WA books,

193 records, and files, and State Board of Directors roster;

194 4. Exercise the powers and perform such other duties as are usual to the office of Secretary;

195 5. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President.


197 (E) TREASURER. The Treasurer shall:

198 1. Assume responsibility for internal accounting procedures of NWPC-WA as authorized by

199 the President or the State Board;

200 2. Be responsible for receipt, custody and disbursement of all NWPC-WA monies, as

201 authorized by the President or the State Board;

202 3. Keep accurate account, as required by federal or state law, of monies received and paid

203 out;

204 4. Render monthly and annual financial reports for distribution to members of the State

205 Board;

206 5. Serve as a member of the Fundraising Committee;

207 6. Prepare all federal, state, and local reporting forms, including public disclosure, and

208 forward copies of all C-4s and related materials to the State President on dates that those

209 forms are due;


7. Exercise the powers and perform such other duties as 210 are usual to the office of Treasurer;

211 8. Perform such other duties related to finance as may be assigned by the President;

212 9. Ensure that the books of the Treasurer be audited annually by an accountant or approved

213 bookkeeping service, or by a committee composed of three (3) members of NWPC-WA

214 appointed by the President with the consent of the State Board;

215 10. The Treasurer may delegate some of her functions to an accounting firm, bookkeeper,

216 or CPA with the consent of the State Board.


218 (F) ENDORSEMENT COMMITTEE CHAIR. The Endorsement Committee Chair shall:

219 1. Carry out candidate endorsement procedure, including May’s List and other priority

220 designations, in a timely fashion;

221 2. Serve as chair of the PAC committee;

222 3. Carry out other duties relating to the endorsement process as may be designated by the

223 Chair.



226 (A) GOVERNANCE. The state Board of Directors shall hold at least one (1) publicly

227 announced, open statewide meeting a year (Annual Meeting) that shall be the governing

228 body of NWPC-WA.


230 (B) TIME AND PLACE. The NWPC-WA Annual Meeting shall be held at a time and place

231 to be fixed by the state Board of Directors.


233 (C) NOTICE. Not less than thirty (30) days’ notice of time and place shall be given on the

234 website and in written or electronic mail to all members in good standing.


236 (D) SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings of NWPC-WA may be called by the state Board

237 of

238 Directors, or upon written request of twenty-five (25) percent of the membership, upon a

239 minimum of thirty (30) days’ notice to the membership, to act upon business brought by

240 the state Board of Directors.


242 (E) QUORUM. Five (5) percent of the paid membership for that fiscal year shall constitute a

243 quorum. Each member present shall be entitled to one (1) vote. Voting by proxy shall not

244 be allowed. A credentials committee composed of the Treasurer and/or Membership

245 Chairperson(s) or another designated member shall certify that a quorum is present.


247 (F) ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The annual membership meeting shall elect NWPC-WA

248 officers.


250 (G) POLICIES. The annual membership meeting shall establish the policies of NWPC-WA

251 by receiving and acting upon resolutions brought before the body.


(H) BYLAWS AND OTHER BUSINESS. The annual 252 membership meeting shall act upon

253 proposed amendments to the bylaws and conduct such other business as may be brought

254 before it.


256 (I) ANNUAL BUDGET. The annual membership meeting shall adopt an annual budget.




260 1. State officers.

261 2. Local Caucus representatives;

262 (a) Chair or Vice Chair or elected representative of established local Caucus chapters;

263 (b) Local county Caucus contacts where no local Caucus or LEAC exists;

264 1) These persons must be working with members in their county to establish a

265 local Caucus and/or promote the NWPC-WA and its work and policies in that

266 county;

267 2) Local contact persons must be approved by the state Board of Directors and

268 serve a one-year term.

269 3. LEAC Chair or Representative.

270 4. Standing Committee Chairs.

271 5. NWPC Board Representative.

272 6. Immediate Past President.

273 7. At-large members as appointed by the President and approved by a vote of the

274 majority of the Board of Directors;

275 (a) There will be a maximum of five (5) At-large Board members;

276 (b) Each At-large Board member will serve on at least one (1)

277 committee.


279 (B) LOCAL ALTERNATES. If a local chapter Chair or representative is unable to attend a

280 meeting of the state Board of Directors, then an alternate local chapter steering committee

281 or Board member may be designated to attend in accordance with procedures established by

282 the local Caucus chapter.



285 1. The state Board of Directors shall conduct the business of the organization and carry out

286 the duties and responsibilities of the organization, including establishing policies between

287 annual membership meetings.

288 2. The state Board of Directors shall implement policy established by the Annual

289 membership meeting and approve programs and priorities consistent there with, except

290 that the Board may change policies and programs established by the Annual membership

291 meeting only in event of emergency provided that notice of the proposed change shall be

292 sent to the chairs of any local Caucus chapters that exist in the state at least thirty (30)

293 days prior to the Board meeting at which action is expected to be taken. A two-thirds

294 (2/3) vote of the Board shall be required to adopt any such change.



296 (D) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. An Executive Committee of the elected officers shall conduct

297 business as allowed by policy set by the full Board of Directors. The committee may

298 include two (2) LEAC or local caucus chairs elected by their peers. This committee will

299 meet at the call of the President between Board of Directors meetings. They shall not allot

300 monies outside the budget nor vote on endorsements nor mandate any actions affecting local

301 Caucus chapters. These functions are reserved to the full Board of Directors. Minutes and

302 agendas for any Executive Committee meetings must be communicated via email or other

303 electronic means in a timely manner to the entire Board of Directors.



306 1. The state Board of Directors shall meet at least once a quarter and for early endorsement

307 and regular endorsement in alignment with endorsement timelines.


309 (F) MEETING NOTICE. At least seven (7) days’ notice of a regular meeting and twenty-four

310 (24) hours for an emergency meeting must be given to members unless otherwise specified

311 in these bylaws.


313 (G) QUORUM. No fewer than one-third (1/3) of the voting members of the Board to include

314 three (3) elected officers shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A

315 majority of the votes entitled to be cast by the members present shall be necessary for the

316 adoption of any matter voted on by the members, except where these bylaws require a

317 different threshold for passage.


319 (H) VOTING. Each member of the state Board of Directors shall have one (1) vote.

320 1. Voting on endorsement decisions shall be determined by the State Endorsement

321 Committee policies with approval of the Board of Directors.

322 2. Standing committees may be combined in practice, but the chairs of each

323 standing committee enumerated in Article XI Section (A) retain their

324 individual voting rights on the Board.


326 (I) ABSENCES. Unexcused absences from three (3) meetings of the Board of Directors may be

327 cause for removal of a member of the Board.


329 (J) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES. The State Board of Directors shall:

330 1. Fill vacancies in NWPC-WA offices as they occur by electing replacements, except

331 as otherwise provided by these bylaws;

332 2. Establish policies and procedures for chartering of local Caucus chapters by the

333 Board of Directors;

334 3. Select the location and dates of the NWPC-WA Annual membership meeting;

335 4. Recommend the biennial budget to the Annual membership meeting;

336 5. Establish policies and procedures for resolving disputes and grievances by members


337 and local caucuses;

338 6. Fill vacancies in NWPC board representatives.



341 (A) NUMBER OF STANDING COMMITTEES. There shall be nine (9) standing committees as

342 follows:

343 1. Political Action and Legislation;

344 2. Membership and Outreach;

345 3. Candidate Recruitment and Endorsement;

346 4. Nominations;

347 5. Bylaws and Procedures;

348 6. Fundraising;

349 7. Training and Education;

350 8. Diversity;

351 9. Communication.


353 (B) COMPOSITION. The membership of the standing committees shall include at least one (1)

354 member from each local Caucus chapter, unless a local Caucus has not submitted the name

355 of its representative within sixty (60) days after the Annual membership meeting.

356 Additional members to standing committees may be appointed by the State President. The

357 chair of each standing committee who is not an elected officer shall be appointed by the

358 state President with the advice and consent of all the state officers. The Nominations

359 Committee shall elect its own chair.


361 (C) TERMS. The terms of committee members shall be concurrent with the terms of the

362 officers elected at the Annual membership meeting. The Endorsement Chair(s) may advise

363 and present additional endorsement committee members to the President after his/her

364 election.


366 (D) MEETINGS. Standing committees shall meet at the call of their chairs, or upon written

367 request of one third (1/3) of the committee members.


369 (E) REPORTS. All Standing committees shall report through their chairs to the State President,

370 to the State Board of Directors, and to the NWPC-WA Annual membership meeting.


372 (F) DUTIES. The State Board of Directors shall determine the duties of the standing

373 committees.



376 Except as otherwise provided in these bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall

377 govern the proceedings of all meetings of the NWPC-WA and its committees.





381 The state Board of Directors shall appoint as many representatives to the National Board of

382 Directors as the Washington chapter is allocated based on membership.

383 Washington state national Board Representative(s) shall attend National Board meetings and

384 represent the interests of the Washington state chapter of the Caucus at

385 those meetings. They shall report to the Washington state chapter Board of Directors relevant

386 information from the national organization.




390 (A) These bylaws may be amended by NWPC-WA, at an Annual membership meeting, by a

391 majority of the delegates voting, a quorum being present, provided that a copy of the

392 proposed amendment(s) shall have been delivered to each member in written or electronic

393 mail and posted on the website, not less than thirty (30) days prior to the Annual

394 membership meeting at which the action is to be taken. Provided further that, in relation to

395 any federal, state, or local legislation governing NWPC-WA legal and/or tax status, the state

396 Board of Directors shall be empowered to make such amendments as are necessary to retain

397 legal compliance and to project the effectiveness of the NWPC-WA in pursuing its goals and

398 objectives.


400 (B) Changes mandated by NWPC bylaws will be brought to the first statewide meeting

401 following the NWPC convention. If a statewide meeting is not held within three (3) months

402 of the NWPC convention, the membership will be informed of any mandated items.

403 Following a thirty (30) day notice the state Board of Directors will be allowed to take action.



406 In the event of the dissolution of NWPC-WA, assets remaining after discharge of all liabilities

407 shall be distributed to an organization having similar objectives. Determination of such

408 distribution shall be made by the State Board.


410 Revised and ratified by the membership November 1980, May 1983, March 1985,

411 October 1985, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1993, January 1997, January 2001, 2003, 2004,

412 2005, 2008, 2010, January 2011, January 2013, November 2019. January 2021, 2023.
