Karen Besserman

We will miss our friend and fellow champion for women, Karen Besserman.

Karen was instrumental in narrowing the gender gap in government representation for women in Washington. A longtime advocate and supporter of women candidates, she spent the last years of her life doing what she loved: supporting women running for office.

She knew how to run local races and address local issues. She was a stellar fundraiser and skilled in public affairs and advocacy, but above all, she was fun, supportive, compassionate, and generous with her time and talents. She made running for office a team sport and never let up on her mission to encourage women and get them into public office. 

Karen propelled Emerge Washington, the National Women’s Political Caucus of Washington, and women’s organizations across our state into action. She inspired us to work harder. She made us compete--and helped us all win. In doing so, she helped bring forward the most diverse legislature our state has seen yet.

We are forever grateful for her service, the legacy she leaves behind, and the challenges she’s prepared us to take on.

Thank you, Karen. Rest in Power.

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