Like many women, I am embracing the challenge of balancing my work with the schooling of my two children. This is an extremely stressful time for families economically, compounded by having to teach kids from home and keep their spirits up while we all miss our family and friends.
I am focusing my time on how best to manage the economic recovery in the wake of the Covid crisis. We’re currently working on getting complete broadband access to all regions of our state. It has become clear that rural areas are particularly vulnerable to the inequities of internet access and that it should be treated as a public utility. Our schools, businesses, and future economic development rely on it.
I am dedicated to finding progressive revenue options so that we can avoid the most painful cuts to our budget and to ensure any cuts are not at the expense of our children's education, access to food and housing, or our medical system. Additionally, I'm using this opportunity to push for carbon pricing and other strategies to achieve meaningful climate action and help with the health and well-being of people and our planet.
Women around the country are stepping up and making huge strides forward in demanding equality through political action, and I couldn’t be prouder to serve in that fight. As we participate in the current civil rights struggle of the Black Lives Matter movement, let's remember that it's all intersectional and that women are in a unique position to elevate the conversation and promote equity in our homes, schools, and communities. Let’s keep it up!
-Senator Liz Lovelett
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