2016 Annual Meeting

Join us on Sunday, January 10 from 3-5 p.m. at Mary's Place in downtown Seattle for our Annual Meeting. We will discuss our plans for the next year and hold elections for several executive board positions including Vice President Republican, Endorsement Chair, and Treasurer. Interested candidates should email Liz Berry at [email protected].  

The meeting will also feature a panel of women candidates from this year's Seattle City Council races, which saw historic numbers of women running for office with a new districts system. Our panelists will discuss how sexism, racism, and ageism impacted their races and how they worked through the unique challenges facing women running for office. Our panelists will include Brianna Thomas, (District 1), Tammy Morales (District 2), Morgan Beach (District 3), and Mercedes Elizalde and Halei Watkins (District 5). As always, the incredible Pamela Crone will also join us to share a legislative preview for the upcoming session in Olympia.

It is an excellent opportunity to get engaged with the Caucus as we lay the groundwork for a historic 2016!

January 10, 2016 at 3:00pm - 5pm
Mary's Place
1830 9th Ave
Lower level of the Lutheran Gesthesmane Church (Cross Street Stewart)
Seattle, WA 98101
United States
Google map and directions
Bonnie Gail ·

Will you come?

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