National Women's Political Caucus of Washington

7 New Year’s Resolutions to Help Elect Women in 2015

It’s that time of year when we set our goals for the coming 12 months. This year, what about making some New Year’s resolutions to help women get elected? Here’s a list of 7 easy ways you can make that resolution a reality between now and the end of 2015.

1. Ask an impressive woman you know if she’s ever thought about running for office.  Studies say a woman needs to be asked to run seven times before she actually does.

2. Volunteer for a woman candidate. During campaign season, you can find a list on the NWPC-WA’s endorsements page.

3. Donate money to a woman candidate - or candidates. Often access to funds is the greatest challenge facing women running for office. Studies show that men are far more likely to be political donors. We need more women helping other women in 2015.

4. Host a fundraising event for a woman candidate. It could even be 10 friends in your living room.

5. Share your skills with women candidates. Are you a great writer or financial whiz? Candidates are looking for people with a variety of talents and backgrounds to contribute.

6. Get involved in the NWPC-WA. If you’re not a member, join. If you are a member, come to meetings and events. Consider serving on one of our committees or as an officer.

7. Post on social media about women candidates and relevant issues. The NWPC-WA Facebook and Twitterpages are a great source of content.

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