Join us for our 2025 Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 2, where we'll celebrate 2024 wins, and hear from a panel of women elected leaders.
Here are the details:
What: 2025 NWPC-WA Annual Meeting
When: Sunday, February 2, 2:00-3:30 pm
Who: NWPC-WA, a panel of women elected leaders, and YOU!
Where: Zoom Link sent upon RSVP
We will hold elections for the open vice president role and for secretary. Each position will serve a two year term. We will also vote on possible changes to our bylaws. Current bylaws are available HERE.
There are also opportunities to join the board or serve on a committee. If you are a member and would like to run for a position or learn more about the possibilities, please email [email protected].
Finally, renew your membership today if you'd like to vote in our elections and help power our work in 2025!
2024 was a rough year for women across our nation. Since the fall of Roe v. Wade in June of 2022, states are attacking abortion rights through various types of bans, including 13 total bans. Worse, states are looking for creative ways to restrict women's access to abortion services. 6 states introduced legistlation to criminalize abortion for women or providers. 15 bills were introduced across 8 states that targeted regulation of abortion providers. 13 bills have been enacted so far out of 54 bills introduced across 20 states to fund 'Crisis Pregnancy Centers.'
We know laws like this hurt pregnant patients, anyone who menstruates, and families. And we know that they disproportionately affect historically non-dominate communities and those in the global majority. These attacks and ongoing threats are why it's critical to have women - and diverse women - in public office. Our lived experiences, our knowledge, and our expertise are not only valuable but also necessary. And those pieces are still missing from the tables of decision-makers.
Through all of this, we have persisted. We kept going. We continued to build the pipeline for women candidates to run and WIN in the years to come! And nothing has deterred us from necessary work ahead, but we need YOUR support to do it!
Cheers to a women-powered '25!