Being a Voice for Those That Don't Have One

For some, the Black Lives Matter movement and LGBTQ rights are a political issue. Almost like a fad to help a political career. As a person of color and a child of immigrant parents, I personally know the challenges of systemic racism, prejudice and xenophobia.

From outreach work with homeless youth to foster parenting; special education to outreach with hard to reach populations for the census; immigrant rights to the LGBTQ community—I do this for others to be their voice.

Four terms on the Bremerton City Council has prepared me well for the State House of Representatives. I’m an experienced legislator and, while I am a very liberal Democrat, I have a history of getting things done working with both sides of the aisle.

  • My experience as a school campus security officer and as a foster parent to 54 children over the years gives me a unique outlook into the challenges facing our children and education.
  • My union involvement and community work provides a deep understanding of the challenges facing working families.
  • I served on the Affordable Housing Task Force, giving me insight into affordable housing and homelessness issues.
  • And I have 10+ years in Olympia working with the legislature on issues such as housing, labor, education, immigrant rights, reproductive freedom with Planned Parenthood, racial equity, and local government issues.

My 20+ years of service motivates me to step up and be a voice for the families and individuals that don’t have one.


-Leslie Daugs, Current Bremerton City Councilwoman and Candidate for the WA State House 23rd LD, Position 1, D

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