It's time to get out the vote for women!

I still remember how I felt on November 8th, 2016 as the election results came in. I bet you do too. But here we are, almost one year later, and in this Washington, our Washington, we have the opportunity to send a strong message by electing women candidates in every corner of the state tomorrow. Can we count on seeing you and your vote turnout for women candidates tomorrow, Tuesday, November 7th?

Across Washington, women are running for positions up and down the ballot -- we are thrilled and inspired by them all. We can elect two more women to the Washington State Senate with the election of Manka Dhingra (45th Legislative District) and Michelle Rylands (31st Legislative District). We have the opportunity to elect women mayors in every major city on the I-5 corridor -- in Vancouver, Tacoma, Federal Way, Seattle, Lynnwood, and Everett. We also have the opportunity to elect women mayors in Duvall, Kent, Mukilteo, and Washougal. Women are running for port commissions, public health districts, school boards, and city councils across Washington, and we are seeing a huge increase in the number of women of color running for office. Learn more about the inspiring women running for office this year in our 2017 endorsements.

Now we need YOU to help elect these women by getting out the vote. Check out our 2017 endorsements and learn more about the incredible women running for office in your community! But don't stop there. Make sure to tell your friends and neighbors who you are voting for too. In 2015, we saw local-level elections won by as few as 39 votes. Just one or two extra votes could be what makes the difference for a woman candidate in your community. 

We are so proud of the women running for office this year and we can't wait to build on this momentum in 2018. The thing is, when more women are on the ballot, more women start saying to themselves, "Hey, maybe I can do that too". We are already hearing from women who are ready to train, run, and win in 2018.

Can you help us jumpstart our work for 2018 by donating to our 2018 Campaign Training Scholarship Fund?

These funds ensure that every woman who wants to be trained to run for public office has access to that opportunity. Scholarships don't just cover the cost of the training, but they are also used to pay for childcare and transportation. As an all-volunteer organization, we depend on your support to make this work possible. You can help power that work by donating to the 2018 Campaign Training Scholarship Fund here!

There's a lot at stake on Tuesday night. Women candidates are counting on us to use the power of the ballot to send strong, qualified leaders to the dais. Make sure to postmark your ballot by Tuesday or drop it off at a ballot dropbox if there's one in your community. Have questions about how to submit your ballot? Visit the Secretary of State's Voters' Resources Guide here.

Now, let's get out the vote and elect a women-powered Washington! Onward!